Saturday, April 21, 2007

Of Service and Government

"A man who doesn't detest a bad government is a fool. And if there were such a thing as a good government on earth, it would be a joy to serve it."
--Ursula K. LeGuin, The Left Hand of Darkness

What is a government? A government is a body of people who rule/enforce rules. If there is something wrong with the people, there is something wrong with the government and vice versa. There must be a change of mindset.
Why should one get into politics and government today? To get rich? In the old days, it was becoming an actor or bold star to get rich quick. Now, a large investment in campaign materials and poof, you become corrupt!

Is there still a good government? Did the Philippines ever had a good government?
Today's government is no longer democratic. Votes can easily be changed or bought. It is an oligarchic body with families and friends ruling the money and swaying the masses.

How to reach a good government? As people, we much first change our mindset. To vote wisely and vote those who is less corrupt. When these lesser evils are on the thrown, tell them we are watching them and make sure they do not blatantly steal the money to be used for PROGRESS.
We must detest bad people for they are the ones who make up a bad state, a bad government, a bad nation.