Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Abortion in the Philippines

Wednesday September 5, 9:56 PM
Abortion in the Philippines: a national secret by Reuters
Women in the Philippines have various reasons to abort. Mostly related to social and financial status. Based on the article, a poor woman aborts because she can no longer support so much children. Famous rich people abort to lessen "complications" in their lives.
It is sad. Women would kill an innocent. What of the child? Perhaps it is better off dead. But who gets to decide that?
I do not agree with the CBCP on their opinions about contraceptives. It is better to use contraceptives than to abort.
Face it. People are horny. They just can't stop. Using contraceptives avoids bloodshed or unwanted children. If they do not abort and the child is allowed to live, she/he will just have a lot of hang-ups in life. Trust me, I got to know some. These so called love-children who were products of guilty relationships of simply unwanted pregnancy end up needing counseling. They become pathological liars having the need to create a false life to color theirs. Sad. They have so much talents and are actually good people with bad habits and worse mannerisms. They cannot help hurting people.
In the first place, technology has provided us with numerous contraceptives. There is the classic condom. Uncomfy? Women condom. Still uncomfy? The patch. Hormonal pills than. Missed it? For heaven sake, take a morning after pill. Last resort, run to Quiapo.
If the government advocates the use of contraceptives, we might not be co overpopulated.

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